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Helping kids unleash their

Join us in the 100 campaign, a year-long journey to bring 100 children home to 100 families.

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Chi siamo

Cooperativa Fiore che ride

Un gruppo eterogeneo e variegato in cui ogni singolo componente, ragazzi, educatori, maestri, porta con sé le proprie peculiarità che si mescolano, come in ogni contesto gruppale, e creano il particolare contesto nel quale si svolgono le lezioni.

100%   Sociale

la nostra storia
Educational Playground

An educational and fun playground for all kids.

Find their passion, teach an understanding of reciprocity, and instill a sense of global citizenship

Educational Tools

Find their passion, teach an of reciprocity, and instill a sense of global citizenship in globe.

Precious moments

Find their passion, teach an of reciprocity, and instill a sense of global citizenship in globe.

Dedicated Volunteers

Find their passion, teach an of reciprocity, and instill a sense of global citizenship in globe.

Make them happy

Find their passion, teach an of reciprocity, and instill a sense of global citizenship in globe.

Cosa facciamo

Le nostre attività

Creiamo opportunità lavorative, di inclusione e di vita sociale alle persone con fragilità


Programma mensile dell’Auditorium

Didattica, Teatro, Sala Conferenze, Laboratori

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Our Teachers

Experienced Teachers

Our nearly 8,000 committed staff members are critical to the University of Chicago’s tradition of excellence.

Olivia Robert

Maputo, Africa

David Richards

Maputo, Africa

Marrion Miller

Maputo, Africa

Gilbert Huges

Maputo, Africa

We want to change the world. Why not join us? Become Volunteer


So that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.

There’s even magic in our motivation: our unblinking belief that we can eradicae childhood disease — so that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.


By enrolling in the Four Bear Program, Hub guarantees you will graduate in four years with a bachelor’s degree. Discover the global city—filled with inspiration, opportunities to explore.

Marrion Miller

Maputo, Africa

Cosa facciamo


Educational Programs

Educational Programs

Educational Programs

Educational Programs

Educational Programs

Educational Programs

We want to change the world. Why not join us? Become Volunteer

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Enroll 2022

Let your child explore and learn.

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